Recycling Excess Heat to Power Industrial Green Houses and Create Local Jobs
Data centers generate a substantial amount of heat due to the intensive computational processes performed by servers. We utilize the excess, otherwise wasted heat from our facilities to power onsite industrial greenhouses. By redirecting the heat to maintain optimal growing conditions, these greenhouses can produce local, freshly grown fruits and vegetables. This innovative approach not only promotes sustainability by reducing energy waste but also creates local jobs, fostering economic growth and providing the community with fresh produce
Enhancing Community Resilience and Energy Security
As our economy continues to electrify, the demands we place on the electricity grid will intensify, leading to an increased risk of blackouts and rising costs for consumers. We’re committed to enhancing resilience and energy security within our communities through contributing clean, decentralized energy resources such as solar power and battery storage on local public buildings to ensure emergency centers remain functional in the event of a power outage. Additionally, this contributes to balancing the local grid, reducing strain during peak demand periods, and lowering costs for the end consumers